Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

POS JAGA - Guardian Post

A place for people who stay awake at night, to guard and patrol the area, also have a lot of PILKADA Stickers.

TOMORROW we do it!

Yes, tommorrow we will go to places to electing our EAST JAVA GOVERNORS!


Who will read this sticker ? Me!

An TAHU TEK-TEK seller

A sticker also found at a "TAHU TEK TEK" (Traditional food from Surabaya)rombong at every night.

More about "rombong" klik here :

Senin, 21 Juli 2008

Kotak Pos

A Post-office box also have a PILKADA stickers!

(Kotak Pos juga jadi tempat penempelan sticker!)

Minggu, 20 Juli 2008

Link ke PICASA

If you want to see all my pictures about "PILKADA", click here :

At a chair

Why not?

Even if you sit at a chair with your governor's faces?

At a tree

You may put a lot of stickers at trees also!

Sticker at BECAK

We also put a lot of stickers on BECAK (Indonesian traditional transsportation).

Rabu, 16 Juli 2008

Kalender for Campaign

Yes, we can use CALENDAR for our political campain. I got this calendar yesterday, at SURABAYA CITY, area : KARANG PILANG. We got dinner that night, and this calendar was "
free gift" for those restaurant's visitors!

Indonesian Political Party

This blog was to put all "Indonesian Political Party". Just pictures and some comment only.